Category: Hanga | Create

Visual Pepeha

This week we did our pepeha its means when you tell about your life.                                                                                                                                    like your mountain or where your from im from tonga my mountain is Haunga.

and you do what a symbol is important to you i did jesus cross im a christan.                                                                                                                      and you supossed to write about your life in moari whats your name where you from and where you live.

Place Value

This week we did our maths the easy part was when we had to explain the awnsers.                                                                                                          one of our slides was you needed to write the number. and then we needed to do write how many 10                                                                            and how many 1 here is my work.

Tiriti Project

this week we did our waitangi i finish my work already here of the questions was like whats your favourite place.                                                      one of mine was wellington because i wanna try out there food.                                                                                                                                              it was hard to do but my favourite part was you make you own kahoot and decerate it.



Bookmarks Cybersmart

This week we did our bookmarks so we know how to bookark our own work.                                                                                                                       i was help my class matedbecause they were new and the did’nt know own to make a copy.                                                                                              i helped him and i helped to screen shot and upload a image and go to bookmanerger.


Care Values

This week we did care values to show how we use it.C is for Confidense.Confidense is like not being shy and presitating to every 1.A is for Aittude.Atittude is like when you being nice to others.R is for Respect.Respect islisting to your techer.E is for Excelence.Excelence is when you set you goal and achive it.The is my Care Values.

Film Review

Today we looked at some manaiakalani films i clicked on glen bra and my favourite was the new kid it was sad but funny my friend daniel at glen bra was the main charter is was cool daniel started fake crying but at the end tjere were playing shadow boing.This is my work


Super Hero

This week we did a story we did a blurbs its on my blog now we did our real story and but we did on this treestructures then we add it to a gooldgle Drawing.  This is  my story


Film Festival

On wednesday we went to the film festival at silver park at hoyts there were hips of school there and we watched other school it was cool my favourite was point england its called dog day its when a student changes life with a dog and the good fairy changed them back to normal it was so cool but if you want to see ls1 Film festival you go on manaiakalani web site and click on panmure bridge school and it called the jandal throw.

i hope you have a great day and thank you for listening